3rd Joint Environment and Risk Management Platform


Weno, Chuuk (FSMIS) — From August 30th to September 1st, 2023, the FSM Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management (DECEM), in collaboration with the Chuuk State Government, hosted the 3rd Joint Environment and Risk Management Platform at the Governor’s Auditorium in Weno, Chuuk. Nearly 200 participants, representing State and National Governments, NGOs, regional and international partners, and community-based organizations participated in the 3-day joint platform to discuss environment, climate change and disaster risk management issues for the Federation. This event was delayed due to the COVID19 closures and with work and efforts impacted by such closures, this 3rd Joint Platform focused on ways to rebuild on what began 17 years ago during the first Environment Conference, with the theme focusing on “enhancing synergies for a resilient tomorrow”.   In his welcoming remarks, the Honorable Governor Alexander Narruhn of Chuuk State reinvigorated the Platform with his reminder that while “climate change is here to stay…resilience is in our DNA”. Mr. Andrew R. Yatilman, Consultant for DECEM, during his opening statement on behalf of his Excellency, President Wesley W. Simina, stressed the importance of working together to address cross-cutting issues affecting the environment and sustainable livelihoods, which have the greatest impact on FSM’s most vulnerable communities. He urged the participants to take advantage of the opportunity to be actively engaged by sharing their experiences, voicing their concerns, and offering recommendations so that everyone can walk away with a shared commitment to collaborate more.   For three days, stakeholders shared information, discussed ongoing and new threats, and deliberated on adaptive management strategies to address their challenges. Day 1 included a stocktake of previous platform recommendations, designed to enhance tracking of progress against the recommendations, and updates on environmental efforts at State, National and Regional level covering resource conservation, waste management and ozone protection. Information on key resources, such as the FSM INFORM Portal, was shared to inform and enhance data collaboration among partners. Day 2 covered disaster preparedness and response efforts by State, National, Regional and International partners, with a plenary discussion targeting opportunities to strengthen response efforts collectively. Day 2 concluded with discussions on requirements of the re-negotiated Compact, with focus on the Environment Sector Grant and Disaster Assistance Emergency Fund (DAEF). The platform wrapped up on Day 3 with Climate Change related activities, and reporting back on FSM’s regional and international commitments i.e. UNFCCC/TNCBUR, FSM’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and the proposed National Adaptation Plan (NAP), in addition to measuring climate change adaptation measures and their impact over time.   The outcomes of the platform include the adoption of 15 priority recommendations for the environment sector, with measurable goals to report back in the next biannual joint platform. A key resolution was adopted by the meeting seeking the State and National Leadership’s support in allocating Compact Funds to support the Environment Sector. A donation, in the amount of $1,300, was raised during the 3rd Joint Platform for the MC Bill Raynor Scholarship Fund to support capacity building of Micronesia’s aspiring young environmental leaders.   The FSM Government wishes to thank the Government and people of Chuuk State for graciously hosting the event, all of the platform participants for their time, knowledge and contributions, and the following donors for their generous support: the Micronesia Conservation Trust (MCT), the International Organization for Migration (OIM), USAID, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China.