First Lady Simina Offers Reflections on the Importance of Family at CWC Annual Conference


Weno, Chuuk – On November 21st, 2023, First Lady Ancelly Simina attended the Chuuk Women’s Council (CWC) Annual Conference, as part of its preparations for the upcoming FSM Women’s Conference taking place in Kosrae at the end of the month. The conference theme, “Met A Fis Non Famili me Eterenges seni 2013 ngeni 2023”, which is aligned with the national women’s conference theme of “A Decade in Review; Embracing our Achievements”, provided participants the opportunity to reflect on the progress and challenges for women and families in Chuuk over the last decade. In the First Lady’s remarks, she emphasized her belief in family being the foundation for Micronesian society and culture, and the critical leadership role that women play in the family and community. In her mother tongue, First Lady Simina shared, “Family me eterenges ikena longlongun sopw me fonu. Family me eterenges ina longlongun muun fonu me state. Family me aterenges ina longlongun mwichefel. Ika ach kewe family me eterenges rese nonomoch, fonuach ach mwichefel me ach muun resap pwal nonomoch.”, which speaks to the importance of family being the foundation of our communities and society and that if our families are vulnerable, then so will be our communities. The event brought together CWC members, students and service providers and featured presentations from programs including on the prevention of gender-based violence, family law and the Young Women’s Empowerment program. First Lady Simina extends her gratitude to the Chuuk Women’s Council for their kind invitation to participate in this year’s conference and looks forward to joining the rest of the nation\’s women\’s groups in Kosrae for the FSM Women’s Conference later this month.