The Simina-Palik administration: Supporting and Leading Blue Prosperity Micronesia

\"\"FSMPIO – The Simina-Palik administration is proud to be supporting and leading Blue Prosperity Micronesia, our nation’s own flagship program to sustainably develop and protect our ocean and marine resources for future generations.

\”We take pride in the fact that we are an ocean country. The communities have been the stewards of our oceans. They\’ve been protecting them through traditional means of conservation, traditional means of fishing.\” – H.E. President Wesley Simina Recognizing the significance of our ocean’s health and data to make informed decisions, Blue Prosperity Micronesia and National Geographic Pristine Seas partnered to conduct a nation-wide marine science expedition. From Kosrae to Pohnpei to Chuuk and all the way to Yap, the expedition bridged critical knowledge gaps on our remote outer atolls and studied the impacts of climate change on our marine resources. The data collected from this expedition will help the FSM\’s leaders at all levels, make more informed decisions about the future of our ocean. The expedition featured 11 of the FSM’s own scientists and divers, studied 11 remote atolls, surveyed 62 sites, conducted 531 dives and connected with over 500 people from throughout the nation onboard vessel tours and community events. A final science report summarizing all the data collected during this expedition will be shared with all government partners and communities later this year. National Geographic Pristine Seas is also producing a full-length documentary film about the FSM, set to also come out later this year. Stay tuned. Video by National Geographic Pristine SeasKAMORALE to all of our partners at:Blue Prosperity MicronesiaNational Geographic Pristine SeasMicronesia Conservation TrustUniversity of Guam – UOGScripps Institution of OceanographyWaitt Institute