The FSM Engages in 2nd Japan Pacific Islands Defense Cooperation Dialogue held in Tokyo

\"\"The FSM Department of Justice participated in the 2nd Japan Pacific Islands Defense Cooperation Dialogue that convened in Tokyo from March 19-20, 2024.
Facilitated in person for the first time, the dialogue fostered a more dynamic and fruitful exchange among attendees. Leading the FSM Delegation was Acting Secretary of Justice Leonito Bacalando, Jr. and Assistant AG Josephine Joseph-Silem, supported by Ambassador John Fritz and First Secretary Kunio Suenaga from the FSM Mission in Tokyo.
The dialogue served as a platform for open discussions on pressing issues such as Maritime Security, IUU Fishing, Humanitarian Assistance, Cyber Security, Climate Change, Sea-Level Rise, and Transnational Crimes. Bilateral consultations were also held with key partners including the United States, Japan, Australia, and Palau, reinforcing the importance of collaborative efforts.
Acknowledging the significance of sustained cooperation, Japan expressed its endorsement of the Pacific Region’s 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, aligning with the Pacific Island Forum’s overarching framework for engagement with partners.