Palikir, Pohnpei, October 16, 2023 (FSM R&D) — World Food Day is celebrated every year signifying the crucial role of sustainable food security and the founding day of United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. This year marks history as the national government took initiative in hosting the event with partners from all sectors. The theme for this year is “Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One Behind.” The theme celebrates one of the planet’s most precious resources: water, and its vital role for life on earth and as the foundation of our food. The WFD event began with Mrs. Menoleen Jacob-Oswalt, Assistant Secretary of the Agriculture Division, welcoming all to the very first initiative led by the FSM National Government to celebrate World Food Day and reminding all those in attendance of the importance of raising awareness on the issues surrounding food and water security. In his special remarks, UN Resident Coordinator for Micronesia, Mr. Jaap Van Hierden emphasized the need to explore innovative ways of farming that are relevant to our Micronesian context, such as hydroponics and aquaponics as well as floating solutions for low lying atoll islands impacted by saltwater intrusion. Following his remarks, two panel sessions were held from experts working within the water and food sector. Panelists for the food security discussion included representatives from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), College of Micronesia-Center for Entrepreneurship (COM-CFE), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the Green Climate Fund-Food Security Project of FSM R&D. Panelists of the water security session were representatives from The Pacific Community (SPC), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Small Islands Food and Water Project (SIFWAP) of FSM R&D, and Adaptation Fund Project (AF) of FSM DECEM. The panel sessions brought multiple discussions from stakeholders in the audience, who highlighted the challenges ranging from the disproportionate distribution of efforts to disabilities, to the severity of water shortages in our low lying atolls, and the consequences of increased frequency of climate change effects on our food and water resources. A presentation was shared by Mr. Steward Molens, nutritionist for FSM Department of Health, highlighting the importance of water to our health and water-related projects that the Department of Health is currently implementing. In her closing remarks, Chairperson of WFD 2023, Ms. Luan Lavern Gilmete thanked everyone for their participation and reiterated the significance of the collective efforts that led to the success of the WFD celebration. She noted that we all share a common goal, and that is to recognize the right to a healthy livelihood through food, nutrition and water security, and hoped for further collaboration and mutual learning. After the engaging panel discussions, exhibition stalls were displayed by women’s groups, farmers, students from our Lady of Mercy High School, and projects showcasing cooking demonstrations, selling local food, distributing free seedlings and plants , and providing project promotional items.