Honolulu, Hawaii, November 4, 2023 – While en route to attend the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, President Simina and First Lady Simina officially presented a donation of $500,000, on behalf of the people and government of the FSM, to the Hawaii Community Foundation to aid in the ongoing relief and recovery efforts for the devastating Maui wildfires. Representing the heartfelt support of the people and government of the FSM, President and First Lady Simina met with Ms. Felea’i Tau, the Governor’s Community Relief Liaison and Ms. Bonnelley Pa’uulu, the Director of Constituent Services, and expressed the FSM’s deep sympathy for all those who were affected and suffered loss by the devastating wildfires that impacted Lahaina, Maui in August. The Hawaii Community Foundation, a trusted local organization, will play a crucial role in ensuring that the funds are directed to where they are needed the most. The funds will be dedicated to providing essential resources, relief, and aiding in the long-term recovery of the communities affected by this catastrophic event. On behalf of the government of Hawaii, Community Relief Liaison Tau and Director Pa’uulu, expressed their gratitude for the generous support from the FSM and ensured that they will continue to work diligently to ensure that the funds are utilized to meet the most pressing needs of all affected.