President Simina issues Executive Order 23-07: Implementing Constitutional Amendment for Dual Citizens in the Federated States of Micronesia

\"\"Palikir, Pohnpei, October 26, 2023 – On October 20th, President Simina issued Executive Order 23-07, the final step in implementing the Constitutional Amendment for Dual Citizenship. Those who wish to seek dual citizenship are now able to do so by applying for an FSM passport. The order defines citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia as individuals who meet the criteria outlined in Article III of the Constitution. This includes individuals born to parents who are FSM citizens and those who were citizens of the Trust Territory prior to the effective date of the Constitution. The order clarifies that a \”dual citizen\” is a person recognized as a citizen of both the Federated States of Micronesia and another country. Importantly, it reaffirms that citizenship in another country does not affect one\’s FSM citizenship, provided the latter persists. To support passport applications, several documents are accepted as proof of citizenship, including certificates of live birth showing FSM parentage, previously issued FSM passports, and court orders declaring the applicant an FSM citizen. In certain cases, supplementary proof of citizenship may be considered if reliable. Notably, an affidavit alone signed by the applicant is insufficient as proof of citizenship. Dual citizens, as defined by the order, can apply for passports through the Division of Immigration & Passport Services of the FSM Department of Justice, following existing procedures. Passport application services are also available at FSM consulates and embassies. Standard fees for passport application, renewal, and lost passport replacement are applicable. Former FSM citizens who renounced their citizenship in the past may regain their FSM citizenship through naturalization in accordance with existing procedures. This Executive Order, following the successful ratification of the constitutional amendments on July 4, 2023, reflects the FSM’s commitment to upholding the rights and privileges of its citizens, including those seeking dual citizenship. For further information, citizens are encouraged to contact the Acting Chief of Immigration at the Department of Justice, Mr. Apiner Hadley at or call their passport hotline number at (+691) 320-8866. The passport application can be found at: