Vice President Palik Calls for ‘Transformative Action’ at FSM Energy Forum

PALIKIR, Pohnpei – July 9, 2024 – The FSM Energy Forum commenced today in Pohnpei, bringing together key energy stakeholders and partners from across the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and beyond. Under the theme “Energizing FSM – Affordability and Beyond,” the forum, running from July 9-10, aims to address pressing challenges and explore sustainable energy solutions for the nation.

The forum was officially opened by T.H. Vice President Aren B. Palik with welcoming remarks by Pohnpei State Governor T.H. Stevenson Joseph followed by statements from each of the state heads of delegations. Vice President Palik highlighted the critical issues facing the FSM’s energy sector, particularly the challenges of electricity accessibility and affordability. He emphasized the need for transformative action to tackle the high costs of imported fossil fuels and the economic vulnerabilities they create.

In his opening remarks, Vice President Palik stated, “As we navigate our energy transition towards a more sustainable future, it is imperative to prioritize capacity building and skills development within our local workforce. By investing in the expertise and knowledge of our people, we can empower them to actively contribute to shaping the energy sector’s trajectory and driving progress towards renewable energy solutions.”

The forum serves as a platform to review the FSM’s National Energy Policy, focusing on key areas such as Energy Access and Equity, Just and Orderly Transition, and Energy Governance. Participants will discuss initiatives to ensure access to affordable and reliable energy resources, and the establishment of an independent regulatory body to enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency within the sector as well as the potential integration of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) into the energy landscape.

Another significant highlight of the forum is the gathering of the National and State Energy working groups. This collaborative effort will also explore the establishment of the Association of Micronesian Utilities (AMU), aimed at fostering greater cooperation and coordination in the region’s energy landscape.

Vice President Palik expressed gratitude to all contributors and stakeholders, saying, “Together, let us forge a path towards a brighter, more sustainable energy future for the Federated States of Micronesia, where energy access is universal, affordability is prioritized, and environmental sustainability guides our transformative development agenda.”

The FSM Energy Forum is poised to be a catalyst in the nation’s efforts to develop a resilient and sustainable energy sector, paving the way for a future where energy equity and affordability are at the forefront of the national agenda.
