President Simina and Delegation attend FSM Independence Day Celebration in Guam


Tumon, Guam, November 4, 2023 – While in transit to attend the Pacific Islands Forum in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, President Simina and his delegation attended the FSM Independence Day celebration held in Guam. The festivities brought together the Micronesian community including each of the 4 states’ student organizations from UOG (University of Guam), the leadership of Guam including Acting Governor T.H. Joshua Tenorio, members of the Guam legislature including Speaker of the Legislature T.H. Therese Terlaje, members of the diplomatic corp, community service providers such as the Micronesian Resource Center One Stop Shop, local vendors, and supporters from the private sector. The event featured performances from all four states, a sakau ceremony, live music, a special presentation by master navigator Larry Raigetal, a presentation of the Resolution honoring FSM Independence Day passed by the Guam Legislature to the FSM’s leaders, and an address by President Simina. In his address, President Simina paid tribute to the FSM’s founding fathers, to which he described “Imagine, the audacity of them, to look at hundreds of scattered islands across the vast ocean, and not see division, but see unity. Imagine, the courage it took, to stand in the face of colonial powers, and not choose continued dependency, but choose independence.Imagine, the vision they had, when they looked at four distinct island groups with our own unique characteristics, and did not see our diversity as a weakness, but as our strength.” Further adding that “In the spirit of our seafaring ancestors, let us embrace unity and cooperation among our four states—Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap. Just as different stars guide us through the night, our states are unique, yet they shine together to light our path.” The Simina-Palik administration wishes to thank the entire team at the FSM Consulate in Guam, the entire FSM Planning Committee, and everyone who took part in the celebration to make it all possible and memorable.